Sociologia] Instructions for authors] Guidelines for submission and publication


Guidelines for submission and publication

Instructions for authors


1. The authors should indicate the nature of their text: articles, research notes, bibliographical essays or book reviews.

2. Texts should include the respective authorship, indicating the following aspects: author's name, institutional affiliation (department, college and university / institute to which it belongs, as well as the city and the country where the institution is located); email, telephone contact; mailing address (preferably institutional address; in the case of co-authored articles, there should be only one corresponding author).

3. The texts should be submitted in A4 pages with normal margins, line spacing of 1.5, in Times New Roman and font size 12, in Word for Windows format or compatible. Footnotes should be written with font size 10 and line spacing of 1.15. The same line spacing should be used in tables, which must be written with font size 11.

4. The maximum size of articles is 50.000 characters, including abstracts, keywords, spaces, footnotes, references, tables, charts, figures and photographs. Book reviews should not exceed 8.000 characters, including spaces; research notes and bibliographic essays, 20.000 characters, including spaces.

5. The title of the text should be presented in Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. The article should be accompanied by 3 keywords and an abstract of 600 characters (maximum), drafted in each of these languages.

6. Tables, charts, figures and photographs should be few, identified with continuous numbering and must contain the respective titles and sources and presented in black and white or in grey tones. These elements should come in the text and, separately, with the title and respective sources in JPEG format. Images may not be wider than the text’s body. The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to accept non-textual elements whose attainment might involve excessive difficulties or increase the financial costs.

7. The texts must indicate the sources and references related with non-original elements. If there are intellectual property rights, the authors must request such authorization. Sociologia is not responsible for the infringement of intellectual property rights.

8. The bibliographical references and citations will be included in the text, according to the following presentation: Morris, 2008; Morris (2008); Morris (2008: 52); Morris et al. (2008).

9. In the footnotes should be used only numbers. The numbering of the notes must be continuous from beginning to end of the text.

10. In the articles, we suggest the use of at most two levels of titration with Arabic numerals.

11. All citations must be put in quotation marks. All the words written in other languages, than the original language of the text, must be formatted in italics.

12. Only the references cited or mentioned in the text should be included in the final bibliography. Bibliographical references should conform to the following guidelines:

a) Book (one author): LUHMANN, Niklas (1990), Essays on self-reference, New York, Columbia University Press.

b) Book (more than one author): BERGER, Peter; LUCKMANN, Thomas (1985), The social construction of reality: a treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

c) Book (more than four authors): Ruhrberg et al. (1988), Art of the 20th Century, New York, Taschen.

d) Book chapter: MEAD, George Herbert (1994), “The Self, the I, and the Me”, in Jodi O’Brien and Peter Kollock, The production of reality: essays and readings on social interaction, 2nd ed., Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge Press, p. 298-302.

e) Articles in periodicals: Dubois, Vincent (2009), “Towards a Critical Policy Ethnography: lessons from fieldwork on welfare in France”, Critical Policy Studies, 3 (2), pp. 221-239.

f) Articles in periodicals online: Lachmann, Richard (2013), “Toward a Sociology of Wealth: definitions and historical comparisons”, Sociologia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, vol. XXVI, pp. 11-63, [Consult. on 01.05.2014]. Available at: <>.

g) Online publications: CESCR  Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1992), General Comment No. 4: The Right to Adequate Housing (Art. 11 (1) of the Covenant) – E/1992/23, [Consult. on 25.03.2014]. Available at: <>.

h) Communications in scientific events: GOLDING, Peter (2013), “Critical Political Economy of Media and Communications in Times of Capitalist Crisis”, in ESA 11th Conference – Crisis, Critique and Change, Torino, Università Degli Studi di Torino, 28-31 August 2013.

13. References should be placed at the end of the text and must be ordered alphabetically by author's surname. If there is more than one reference to the same author, they should be sorted from oldest to newest.

14. The texts should be send by email to: or


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