Linguística] Submission Guidelines

Instructions to authors

Submission and acceptance

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts to Linguística. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto. Full-length articles should deal with original topics or research. For initial submission, an email copy should be sent to the Editor, without any authors’ identification, accompanied by a separate title page, giving each author’s name, affiliation, address (to which proofs and editorial correspondence can be sent), phone, and e-mail address. For co-authored papers, first author’s contacts will be used in further correspondence.
After a paper is accepted for publication, authors must present a final version as specified below and in full accordance with the instructions provided by this style sheet.

Word processors and other software: MS Word for Windows (DOC, DOCX or RTF file). For papers with specific symbols or figures (phonetic transcription, syntax trees a.s.o.), a PDF version (in addition to a DOC, DOCX or RTF version) is required. Moreover, clear indication of the used software must be given to the Editor. For phonetic transcription, please use the IPA-samd Uclphon1 SILDoulos font.


Final versions of accepted papers will observe the following specifications.
The Editor reserves the right to return the manuscript to the authors for any corrections when these norms are not respected.

As the style specifications globally corresponds to the MIT Press style sheet, for further information please consult

Articles: The preferred length of articles is 20 A4 pages approximately, Times New Roman 12 points, double spacing, 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
Research notes: The preferred length of research notes is 8 A4 pages approximately, Times New Roman 12 points, double spacing, 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Research notes could include brief accounts of research or report important work in advance of a more comprehensive paper.
Book/Software/Webpage reviews: The preferred length of reviews is 4 A4 pages approximately, Times New Roman 12 points, double spacing, 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Reviews will normally be commissioned by the Editor; nevertheless, offers to review recent books, software or webpages are welcomed. Please get in touch with the Editor if you wish to publish a review. Each book review should specify full bibliographic details of the reviewed book (title, author(s)/editor(s), place and year of publication, publisher, number of pages, edition, hardback/paperback, ISBN). Software reviews should specify full authorial and technical details (commercial designation, authors, copyright owner, version number, required computer operating system). Webpage reviews should give all necessary details regarding the web host, page creators, http address and date of retrieval.

Papers must be written in English, Portuguese or any widespread language. Contributions in English may use either British or American spelling, provided it is used consistently. Do not hyphenate English words. Contributions in Portuguese may use the orthographic rules of the 1991 version of the Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa.

Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides. Use A4 format for the printed copies.
Font Times New Roman, 12 pt. For long quotations and captions: 11 pt (see below).

  • Line-spacing
  • : Double-spacing, except for abstracts and key-words, tables and figures, long quotations and reference list (where single-spacing should be used).
    Page numbers: Page numbers at page bottom, centred.
    Phonetics symbols: For phonetic transcription, please use the IPA-samd Uclphon1 SILDoulos font.
    Title, authors’ identification, abstract and key-words:

Examples should be numbered consecutively throughout the whole text. List num-bering may be used automatically.
The preceding and the following text should be separated from the example(s) by one blank line.
References to numbered examples should take the following form: “as in (1b) and (2)”.
If the paper includes examples from a language that does not coincide with the one of the paper, glosses and translations must be given in the language of the paper; use SMALL CAPITALS to gloss a grammatical categoryor grammatical category morpheme in a linguistic example, like in the following:
(3) Paolo li ha già letti.
Paolo them (MASC.PL) has already read (MASC.PL)
‘Paolo has already read them.’
(4) Kodomoga 3-nin waratta.
kids NOM 3-CL laughed
‘Three kids laughed.’
Quotations: Short quotations are included in the text, enclosed in quotation marks (Times New Roman, 12 pt). Longer quotations should begin a new line and be indented, in Time s New Roman, 11 pt, single space, without any quotation marks. After each long quotation, its source must be indicated (right - aligned, Times New Roman, 11 pt, single-space), following the bibliographical references style (see below). Inside a quotation, a suppression of any original passage should be marked with […].
Experimental data: Authors should supply sufficient information to enable replication of investigations. Statistical results must be clearly indicated, following the norms of the American Psychological Association. Give subjects’ chronological ages in years, years: months or years: months: days (when appropriate).
References in the text: Reference in the text should be to author’s name and date. When appropriate, indicate relevant chapter/section or, preferably, page numbers (see following examples).

According to Kuhn (1962: 44), ...

The links between emotion, language and behaviour are taken into consideration by several authors (e. g.: Cross, Blake, Turnbridge& Gill 2001: 228 ff.).

For co-authored papers, include ‘&’ before the last author’s surname (see example above). For papers with three or more co-authors, indicate all co-authors’ names in the first mention; thereafter, indicate first author’s name, ‘et al.’ (italicised) and date of reference:

Cross et al. 2001

All personal communications should be identified as ‘p.c.’ after the source name and given a date (if possible) (e. g.: Matthews p.c. 2004).

List of references
References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the article. Please type REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, small capitals, left-aligned) before the first reference. An empty line (12 pt) should be kept immediately above and underneath this heading. All references in Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spacing, indented, as in the following examples. For references with more than one author, use a comma; and ‘&’ to separate the last co-authors’ name; or et al. (for three or above three authors) in the reference list.
Use the references style proposed at: Here are some examples:

- Books:
Kuhn, T. 1962. The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Papers in journals:
Jusczyk, P. W., Goodman, M. B. & Baumann, A. 1999. Nine-Month-Olds’ Attention to Sound Similarities in Syllables. Journal of Memory and Language. 40(1): 62-82.

- Chapters in books:
Goodluck, H. 1986. Language acquisition and linguistic theory. In: P. Fletcher & M. Garman (Eds.).
Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 49-68.
Do not include the edited volume as a separate entry of the reference list, unless it is explicitly referred to as such in the text. In this latter case, proceed as follows:
Fletcher, P. & Garman, M. (Eds.). 1986. Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

- Documents retrieved from the Internet:
Zeichner, K. M. 1983. Alternative paradigms of teacher education.
Journal of Teacher Education. 34 (3): 3-13. Retrieved January 25, 1996, from the World Wide Web:
For documents not available as printed publications:
Skehan, P. 2002. Individual differences in second and foreign language learning. Retrieved April 19, 2005, from the World Wide Web:

- Unpublished material and other sources:
Give as many details as you can. For unpublished manuscripts or mimeographs, consider them as books and indicate ‘ms’ instead of publisher’s identification. For submitted or forthcoming papers, treat them as papers and supply information such as ‘forthcoming’, ‘in press’ or ‘in preparation’.

When absolutely essential, a final section of appendices can be included after the reference list. This section may contain experimental items, corpora or pictures relevant for the illustration of the authors’ points of view or for the demonstration of experimental results. Appendices are ordered consecutively with capital letters (Appendix A, B, C...). The Editor reserves the right to judge any appendix irrelevant and therefore to suggest its suppression from the final publication. The inclusion of a section of appendices should be regarded as exceptional.

  • Top of first page: Title of the paper. Times New Roman, 18 pt, bold, centred, normal capitalisation.
  • Empty line (18 pt)
  • Author(s)’ name(s) (name(s) and surname(s)). Times New Roman, 16 pt, regular, centred, normal capitalisation. One author per line. Together with each name, in a separate line underneath the author’s name, give an e-mail address (Times New Roman, 12 pt, regular, centred). In the following line, indicate author’s affiliation (institution, country, with the country’s name in brackets). Times New Roman, 14 pt, italics, centred, normal capitalisation.
  • Empty line (14 pt)
  • Abstract in English (if original language different from English). Times New Roman, 11 pt, regular, justified. Up to 500 words approximately. Heading (11 pt, first line of the abstract text): ABSTRACT.
  • Empty line (11 pt)
  • Key-words in English (if original language different from English). Times New Roman, 11 pt, regular, justified. Up to 6 key-words in the paper’s language. Heading (11 pt, first line of the abstract text): KEY-WORDS.
  • Abstract in the paper’s language. Times New Roman, 11 pt, regular, justified. Up to 500 words approximately. Heading (11 pt, first line of the abstract text).
  • Empty line (11 pt)
  • Key-words. Times New Roman, 11 pt, regular, justified. Up to 6 key-words in the paper’s language. Heading (11 pt, first line of the abstract text).
  • Empty line (11 pt)
  • 2 empty lines (12 pt)
  • Text

Notes and acknowledgements: Footnotes in the text should be identified by superscript numbers and listed consecutively at each page bottom. Acknowledgements should be made in a first note, marked with an asterisk (this note should be introduced immediately after the title’s last word ).
Section headings: All sections and subsections should have a heading. Section headings should be numbered as in the following:
1. Section title
1.1 Subsection title level 1
1.1.1 Subsection title level 2
Examples, tables, figures, etc.: Examples, tables and figures should be inserted in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each table and figure should have a title, at its top (Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spacing, left-aligned) according to the following examples.
TABLE 1 – Title of table
FIGURE 1 – Title of figure.
Captions must occur at the figure or table bottom: Times New Roman, 11 pt, single -spacing. In the full printed version and in the electronic copy, tables and figures must be included in their intended locations. On separate sheets and separate files (DOC/RTF and PDF), additional copies of tables and figures should be provided (1 figure or table per A4 page). These additional versions may fit camera- ready quality (clear black print, laser or high quality ink-jet printer). Their lettering should be large enough to be legible after reduction. Colour tables and figures can be accepted for final publication when justified.
Italicisation: Do not underline examples or emphasised terms; these should be italicised. Bold type or small capitals can also be used.
Examples: All examples included in paragraphs should be given in italics (except when representing phrase/sentence structure).
Numbering of examples: examples which are not included in the text of a paragraph should be numbered, with the number placed in parenthes es. Tabs (not spaces) should be used to align the examples. Sets of related items may be listed together, and numbered with lowercase letters, as in the example below:
(1) a. a slice of bread, a glass of water
b. a pile of books, a row of houses
(2) strawberry, raspberry, blueberry

Once a paper is reformulated on the basis of the referees’ suggestions and its final version is accepted, no substantial modifications will be allowed. Normally, all proofreading will be carried out by the Editorial Committee. Nonetheless, the Editor can ask the author to review a set of page proofs. No alterations other than of printer’s errors will be admitted at this stage.

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