Autor: S. L. Castro
Language processing in portuguese children aged 4 to 10 years / S. L. Castro. Psycholinguistics on the threshold of the year 2000 : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics. orto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 1999,, pag. 305-309
The development of articulation in European Portuguese : a cross-sectional study of 3- to 5- year old naming pictures / S. L. Castro. Psycholinguistics on the threshold of the year 2000 : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics. orto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 1999,, pag. 123-127
Verbal information processing in Portuguese/French bilinguals in a dichotic listening task / S. L. Castro. Psycholinguistics on the threshold of the year 2000 : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics. orto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 1999,, pag. 571-574
Total de artigos: 3 |