Autor: Carlos Ceia

E-Teals : an e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies (vol.2, 2011 - volume integral) / Carlos Ceia

e-TEALS : an e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies (vol. 5, 2014 - volume integral) / Carlos Ceia

Para onde se encaminha o ensino bilingue: perguntas e respostas / Luís Guerra.
Contexts and Conditions for Successful CLIL in Portugal, pag. 307-346

Promoting a Teacher Education Research-Oriented Curriculum for Initial Teacher Training in English as a Foreign Language / Carlos Ceia.
E-Teals : an e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies nº. 7, 2016,, pag. 1-10

Total de artigos: 4
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