Autor: Cláudia Morais

F L C - For the Loveliest Children : a book selection / Cláudia Morais.
E-fabulations : e-journal of children's literature vol. 07, 2010,, pag. 32-34

FLC - For the Loveliest Children : a book selection / Cláudia Morais.
E-fabulations : e-journal of children's literature vol. 06, 2010,, pag. 61-62

FLC - For the Lovliest Children : a book selection / Cláudia Morais.
E-fabulations : e-journal of children's literature vol. 05, 2009,, pag. 56-57

The origins of fairy tales / Cláudia Morais

Total de artigos: 4
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