Sociologia] Code of ethics

Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto  is committed to ensuring ethics in publishing and the quality of the texts it publishes. Therefore, it is expected that all parties act in accordance with the ethical standards.
We follow closely the guidelines about publication ethics of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and The Portuguese Sociological Association (APS).
Authors' responsibilities:
  • ensure that the submitted texts are original and were never published before – whatever their presentation may have been its presentation – and that they were never not submitted simultaneously in another publication;
  • ensure that the text presented is not a result of a practice of plagiarism or appropriation of intellectual creations of other authors without their legal consent, both of which are constituted as unacceptable ethical practices;
  • ensure previous permission for the use of content from other sources;
  • when articles are a result of investigations, the method used should be described clearly and unambiguously so that the obtained conclusions can be confirmed;
  • none of the data or results should be manufactured, falsified or distorted intentionally in order to meet a certain work guiding line or to the previously outlined investigation hypotheses;
  • indicate possible conflicts of interest that may occur in the evaluation process;
  • actively participate in the collaborative review process with the publisher;
  • all curriculum information provided must be true. The authorship shall include all the people who have contributed in the design and planning of the work, as in the interpretation of results and drafting of text. In the case of articles written in co-authorship, the corresponding author should ensure consensus in the approval of the final version of the text and in its submission for publication.
Reviewers' responsibilities:
  • undertake a critical, constructive, fair and impartial evaluation;
  • not accept to review a text whose theme is beyond their competences or if the reviewer sverify the existence of a conflict of interests that prevents them from evaluating the article impartially;
  • In cases where the reviewer considers that the text should be modified, all changes to be implemented should be properly presented and justified;
  • where the reviewer detects the existence of a text that has already been, fully or in part, published or has been submitted simultaneously in another publication, the reviewer must inform the direction of the journal.
 Editors’  responsibilities:
  • ensure an exempt and objective position in the evaluation of the texts, taking into account only their scientific merit. Respect the authors' scientific freedom;
  • ensure that all texts will be treated confidentially and that reviewers will be selected for their trustworthines, to undertake a critical and specialized evaluation of the texts submitted for publication.
  • ensure that the evaluation process will take place on double-blind review basis and that the names and email addresses presented in the journal will be used exclusively for the services it provides  and will not be used for other purposes or provided to third parties;
  • allegations of plagiarism or improper use of published texts will be adequality investigated. All texts submitted for publication will be subject to verification for a plagiarism detection. Editors have the right to take action accordingly when the texts are a result of plagiarism or when texts from other authors are used without their authorization.

This journal follows the guidelines of  Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE



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