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International Scientific Committee
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The power of words-powers and the words - Autor:
Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana
Documento (.pdf)
On the psychological meaning of bilinguality - Autor:
Titone, Renzo
Documento (.pdf)
How do children structure their initial mental lexicon - Autor:
Scliar-Cabral, Leonor
Documento (.pdf)
Dynamic and authentic assessment of spoken and written language disorders - Autor:
Butler, Katherine G.
Documento (.pdf)
Aspects de l'interprétation dans le dialogue adulte-enfant - Autor:
François, Frédéric
Documento (.pdf)
Levels of language mastery and their causative antecedents - Autor:
Moerk, Ernst L.
Documento (.pdf)
Levels of processing in the phonological segmentation of speech - Autor:
Morais, José
Documento (.pdf)
Distance relationnelle et terrain commun dans l'interaction médecin-patient - Autor:
Stame, Stefania
Documento (.pdf)
Bulgarian norm of words associations for color terms - Autor:
Almalech, Mony E.
Documento (.pdf)
A systematic approach to meta-cognitive modeling - Autor:
Becker, Bertilo Frederico
Documento (.pdf)
Comprehension and memory of texts - Autor:
Brouillet, D.
Syssau, A.
Haye, F. de La
Documento (.pdf)
The development of articulation in European Portuguese - Autor:
Castro, S. L.
Documento (.pdf)
The role of syllabic structure in speech perception - Autor:
Costa, A.
Aparici, M.
Sebastian-Gallés, N.
Documento (.pdf)
Competitive information sources in referential ambiguity resolution - Autor:
Costa, A.
Faria, Isabel Hub
Matos, Gabriela
Documento (.pdf)
Psycholinguistic meaning of the preformant in the vowel acoustic structure - Autor:
Davidovic, Jovan
Cicevic, Svetlana
Documento (.pdf)
Does the title help children to understand a text, to recall it and to produce inferences? - Autor:
Haye, F. de La
Syssau, A.
Brouillet, D.
Documento (.pdf)
Modelling second language processing - Autor:
Dechert, Hans W.
Documento (.pdf)
Telling stories in the elderly. Influence of attentional and working memory proceses - Autor:
Juncos-Rabadán, Onésimo
X. Pereiro, Arturo
Documento (.pdf)
A psycholinguistic study of rhythm processing - Autor:
Kohno, Morio
Documento (.pdf)
World knowledge and language devices - Autor:
Rosilova, Margarita
Documento (.pdf)
Effects of the verb process referent on the manipulation of discourse objects properties - Autor:
Gallo, M. Caterina Manes
Bonnote, Isabelle
Documento (.pdf)
Paramètres métodiques et processus cognitifs - Autor:
Meive, Jean Philippe
Caelen-Haumont, Genevieve
Dubois, Daniele
Documento (.pdf)
Conflit et malentendu stratégique - Autor:
Mizzau, Marina
Galatolo, Rizzau
Documento (.pdf)
Les processus de compréhension des expressions ironiques - Autor:
Munch, Christelle
Brouillet, Denis
Documento (.pdf)
On the norms of communication - Autor:
Nebeská, Iva
Documento (.pdf)
A compreensão em leitura como indicadora do nível de inteligência - Autor:
Poersch, José Marcelino
Chiele, Luciana Kerber
Documento (.pdf)
Le concept freudien d'inquiétante étrangeté et l'emploi familier des lexèmes en français - Autor:
Schön, Jackie
Documento (.pdf)
Mémorisation des contenues sémantiques des phrases - Autor:
Spitzer, Catherine
Documento (.pdf)
Context influence on lexical decision - Autor:
Urosevic, Zoran
Savic, Milan D.
Documento (.pdf)
The effects of two higher-level variables on the processing of an allophonic contrast in European Portuguese - Autor:
Veloso, João
Documento (.pdf)
Destinaire présent, destinaire absent et degré d'implication du locuteur dans la conceptualisation du discours - Autor:
Vion, Monique
Ribere-Tzakas, Joelle
Justine, Claire
Documento (.pdf)
Cabel-udo, cabel-oso ou cabel-ento? - Autor:
Abreu, Sabrina Pereira de
Documento (.pdf)
On the status of the french pronominal clitic SE in children's speech - Autor:
Barriere, Isabelle
Normand, Marie-Thérèse le
Lorch, Marjorie Perlman
Documento (.pdf)
Développement et variabilité dans l'élaboration du lexique en français - Autor:
Bassand, Dominique
Eme, Elsa
Maillochon, Isabelle
Documento (.pdf)
Reference mechanism in children's oral and written narratives at the age of ten - Autor:
Batoréo, H. J.
Costa, A.
Documento (.pdf)
Certain characteristics of speech behaviour of children between the age of three and five - Autor:
Caha-Krstic, Djurdjica
Documento (.pdf)
Association and definition in school age children - Autor:
Caramelli, N.
Borghi, A. M.
Raffaelli, K.
Documento (.pdf)
Word recognition by portuguese school-graders - Autor:
Cary, Luz
Rocha, Paulo Ventura
Documento (.pdf)
Reading errors of portuguese-english bilingual children learning to read in english via a phonics based approach - Autor:
Cary, Luz
Verhaeghe, Arlette
Marchand, Helena
Documento (.pdf)
Personal names versus 1st person pronouns in self-reference of Russian children aged 1.4-3.0 - Autor:
Dobrova, Galina
Documento (.pdf)
Order of Acquisition of the syllable structure - Autor:
Freitas, Maria João
Faria, Isabel Hub
Documento (.pdf)
Language processing in portuguese children aged 4 to 10 years - Autor:
Gomes, Inês
Castro, S. L.
Documento (.pdf)
Spatial reference in children's narrative - Autor:
Guimarães, Ana Maria de Mattos
Documento (.pdf)
A question of choice - Autor:
Junefelt, Karin
Tulviste, Tiia
Documento (.pdf)
Language-specific developmental changes in speech perception abilities and their neuropsychological reason - Autor:
Kohno, Morio
Tsushima, Taruaki
Documento (.pdf)
Early acquisition of romani (Gypsy) language - Autor:
Kyuchukov, Hristo
Documento (.pdf)
Aspects prosodiques de la communication orale entre jeunes enfants (17; 6 & 32 mois) et adultes - Autor:
Martel, Karine
Vivier, Jean
Lacheret, Anne
Documento (.pdf)
Consonant errors are more frequent than vocalic errors in Spanish reading acquisition - Autor:
Martos, Francisco J.
Defior, Sylvia
González-Trujillo, M. Carmen
Documento (.pdf)
The acquisition of the non-lateral liquids in Brazilian Portuguese - Autor:
Miranda, Ana Ruth Moresco
Documento (.pdf)
The first steps in Russian negation - Autor:
Protassova, Ekaterina
Documento (.pdf)
Tense and aspect in naturalistic L2 acquisition - Autor:
Rohde, Andreas
Documento (.pdf)
On the acquisition of the probabilistic prediction strategy - Autor:
Rusakova, Marina
Documento (.pdf)
What's in a world? - Autor:
Secco, Giovanni
Nicoladis, Elena
Documento (.pdf)
The polyphony in infantile narrative discourse - Autor:
Silva, Carmem Luci da Costa
Documento (.pdf)
A comparison between portuguese pre-readers versus begining readers phoneme analysis ability - Autor:
Vale, Ana Paula
Cary, Luz
Documento (.pdf)
L'introduction des référents dans le discous en français - Autor:
Vion, Monique
Colas, Annie
Documento (.pdf)
Language learning strategies and seconde language use in the academic context - Autor:
Alcon, Eva
Guzman, Joseph-Roderic
Documento (.pdf)
Interinfluence between foreign and mother tongue as for verbal production of future teachers - Autor:
Brajovic-Kentric, Dragica
Documento (.pdf)
Effective communication in L2 - Autor:
Cohen, Manuela
Documento (.pdf)
The phenomenon of transfer in L3 learning from a psycholinguistic perspective - Autor:
Gabrys, Danuta
Documento (.pdf)
Processing strategies in the interpretation of the Russian word order by Spanish-speaking students - Autor:
Solianik, Natalia Ignatieva
Majmutova, Saniya Kamalovna
Documento (.pdf)
Free-association test approach in error analysis in the process of foreign language acqusisition within the same language family - Autor:
Kirova-Yotova, Liliana
Documento (.pdf)
Learning foreign language vocabulary - Autor:
Mihaljevic Djigunovic, Jelena
Documento (.pdf)
Learning German phonetics - Autor:
Missaglia, Federica
Documento (.pdf)
The specilaized language acquisition in the light of foreign language approach - Autor:
Morel, Jordi
Documento (.pdf)
Shifting to one's native language in an english oral examination - Autor:
Posteguillo Gomez, Santiago
Palmer Silveira, Juan Carlos
Documento (.pdf)
Pronoms personnels et référenciation interpersonelle dans le cas du français/langue étrangère - Autor:
Salinas, Agnes
Vivier, Jean
Documento (.pdf)
Perception de l'accent primaire d'une langue étrangère - Autor:
Salsignac, Jeanne
Documento (.pdf)
A research study on children's story telling - Autor:
Vilke, Mirjana
Documento (.pdf)
Cognitive-cooperative strategies in the writing, classroom - Autor:
Benítez, Ricardo
Marinkovich, Juana
Morán, Pilar
Documento (.pdf)
A leitura como um processo cognitivo - Autor:
Figueiredo, Olívia
Bizarro, Rosa
Documento (.pdf)
Multimídia aplicada ao ensino de literatura - Autor:
Freire, Valéria Mello
Zaramello, Vagner
Documento (.pdf)
Cartilhas (First Readers), do they effectively help or disturb the process of learning literacy? - Autor:
Finger-Kratochvil, Claudia
Documento (.pdf)
The effective effects of the revisions stage of the writing process - Autor:
Gregersen, Tammy
Documento (.pdf)
What am I speaking for? - Autor:
Margutti, Piera
Documento (.pdf)
Manuals - Autor:
Marques, M. Emília Ricardo
Documento (.pdf)
The importance of sign language for deaf students'literacy - Autor:
Pereira, Maria Cristina da Cunha
Souza, Regina Maria de
Documento (.pdf)
Caracteristics of pupils' written and oral language expression and their interrelationship - Autor:
Petrovic, Aleksandra
Documento (.pdf)
Spelling and writing in portuguese primary school children - Autor:
Pinto, Maria da Graça
Documento (.pdf)
Implicações da consciência linguística no processo ensino/aprendizagem da linguagem - Autor:
Poersch, José Marcelino
Documento (.pdf)
Some features of didactic communication - Autor:
Sledrova, Jasna
Documento (.pdf)
A emergência da função poética nos textos escritos produzidos por um adulto que aprendeu a ler e escrever na prisão - Autor:
Tfouni, Leda Verdiani
Documento (.pdf)
Vowel discrimination in early bilinguals and the perceptual magnet effect - Autor:
Bosch, Laura
Costa, Albert
Sebastian, Nuria
Documento (.pdf)
Control over different language systems - Autor:
Brosig, Elly
Documento (.pdf)
Bilingual by chance or by choice - Autor:
Cohen, Manuela
Documento (.pdf)
Acquiring bilingual communicative competence - Autor:
Jarovinskij, Alexandre
Documento (.pdf)
Attrition différentielle de la première langue chez deux groupes de bilingues tardifs de langues secondes distinctes - Autor:
Kópke, Barbara
Documento (.pdf)
Verbal information processing in Portuguese/French bilinguals in a dichotic listening task - Autor:
Oliveira, A. M.
Castro, S. L.
Sousa, L. de
Documento (.pdf)
Acquisition of Russian in monolingual, bilingual and trilingual situations - Autor:
Protassova, Ekaterina
Documento (.pdf)
Bilinguisme et fonctionnement cognitif - Autor:
Rebelo, Dulce
Documento (.pdf)
Acquisition of /r-l/phonemic contrast by Japanese children and adults - Autor:
Slawinski, Elzbieta B.
Documento (.pdf)
Use of english passive constructions by bilingual and monolingual students in Yugoslavia - Autor:
Szabo, Agnes
Documento (.pdf)
Codeswitching and transference in Slovack - Serbo-Croatian bilingual children - Autor:
Turcan, Jaroslav
Documento (.pdf)
Natural sentence structure in English and Portuguese and its influence on the organisation of information in the process of translation - Autor:
Maia, Belinda
Documento (.pdf)
Original texts and their translations in a postmodern society - Autor:
Sorvali, Irma
Documento (.pdf)
Le calcul des procedés de traduction - Autor:
Srpova, Milena
Documento (.pdf)
Psycholinguistic assessment of diagnosed cleft palate and cleft lip and palate - Autor:
Faria, Isabel Hub
Falé, Isabel
Documento (.pdf)
Deafness and bilinguismo - Autor:
Fernandes, Eulalia
Documento (.pdf)
Fonoaudiologia e linguística - Autor:
Freire, Regina Maria
Documento (.pdf)
Linguistic transfer in the therapy of bilingual aphasia - Autor:
Juncos-Rabadán, Onésimo
Rodríguez, Maria Jesús
Documento (.pdf)
Cross-linguistic issues in speech production disorders - Autor:
Lorch, Marjorie Perlman
Whurr, Renata
Documento (.pdf)
Description, explanation, and prediction in the study of phonological deficits in aphasia - Autor:
Matthews, John
Documento (.pdf)
Communication tasks to study interaction - Autor:
Marková, Ivana
Documento (.pdf)
The gestural communication of deaf children - Autor:
Ortega, Mª Angeles
Torres, Meritxell
Triadó, Carmen
Documento (.pdf)
Repetições - Autor:
Palladino, Ruth Ramalho Ruivo
Documento (.pdf)
Narrative discourse in Spanish specific language imparied - Autor:
Pérez, Encarna
Serra, Miquel
Documento (.pdf)
Reference and evaluation in the narrative speech of group of french-speaking dyslexic children - Autor:
Plaza, Monique
Documento (.pdf)
Lexical representation in french dysphasic subjects - Autor:
Royle, Phaedra
Jarema, Gonia
Kehaya, Eva
Documento (.pdf)
Communicative interaction deaf child/ deaf child -deaf child/ hearing child - Autor:
Torres, Maritxell
Ortega, Mª Ángeles
Triado, Carmen
Documento (.pdf)
Deixis acquisition in deaf and hearing children - Autor:
Triado, Carmen
Documento (.pdf)
Emotion as a psycholinguistic polarity in speech - Autor:
Becker, Bertilo Frederico
Documento (.pdf)
Aspects gestuels de l'adaptation au destinaire dans une tache de communication référentielle - Autor:
Colas, Annie
Giudice, Nathalie Lo
Vion, Monique
Documento (.pdf)
Gestural choesion in discourse - Autor:
Contento, Silvana
Documento (.pdf)
Psycholinguistic approach to the nonverbal repertoire in similar tv programme on three tv stations - Autor:
Ilieva-Baltova, Penka
Predoeva, Andreana
Documento (.pdf)
Co-construction de l'espace interprétatif - Autor:
Lefbvre, Anne
Documento (.pdf)
Factores psicolinguísticos que incidem sobre a escolha e a percepção dos meios paralinguísticos em emissões publicitárias televisivas em língua búlgaras no meio linguístico búlgaro - Autor:
Predoeva, Andreana
Documento (.pdf)
Turn-maintaining signals in spoken Portuguese - Autor:
Rodrigues, Isabel Galhano
Documento (.pdf)
Conscience, signification, sens, signifiance - Autor:
Brosseron, Francis
Documento (.pdf)
Visual and verbal association to the same stimulus - Autor:
Petrova, Krasimira Alexandrova
Documento (.pdf)
Iconicity - Autor:
Ponterotto, Diane
Documento (.pdf)
Meaning and symbolization in scientific contexts - Autor:
Tarantino, Maria
Documento (.pdf)
Etno-cultural specificity of images of language consciousness of contemporary Russians - Autor:
Ufimtseva, Natalia V.
Documento (.pdf)
Talk show - Autor:
Annese, Susanna
Documento (.pdf)
Ici, ou la visualisation de l'usage de la parole dans la narration de Nathalie Sarraute - Autor:
Licari, Carmen
Documento (.pdf)
Mental models construction and communicative conflict - Autor:
Lorenzetti, Roberta
Documento (.pdf)
Characteristics of language of the novel in Serbia in the period from 1990 to 1995 - Autor:
Vasic, Smiljka
Documento (.pdf)
Computerized one-third octave band analysis in real time of the structural relationship vowel consonant in a monosyllabic word - Autor:
Cicevic, Svetlana
Documento (.pdf)
Rhytmic patterns in languages and psychology of speech perception - Autor:
Kohno, Morio
Documento (.pdf)
Communication and cognitive strategies in a text-based virtual reality - Autor:
Ligorio, M. Beatrice
Documento (.pdf)
Relevância - Autor:
Campos, Jorge
Documento (.pdf)
Relevância e minimalismo - Autor:
Abreu, Sabrina Pereira
Documento (.pdf)
Relevância e inferência na Internet - Autor:
Ibaños, Ana Maria T.
Documento (.pdf)
Relevância e ensino de segunda língua - Autor:
Naiditch, Fernando
Documento (.pdf)
Relevância e inferência na nova novela brasileira - Autor:
Silveira, Jane Rita Caetano da
Documento (.pdf)
Documento (.pdf)
Documento (.pdf)
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Coleção CAPflup
Coleção FLUP e-Dita
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Edições do DHEPI
Edições do IHM
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Outras publicações
Trabalhos académicos
Coleção de fotografias
Coleção Pós-Doc
Documentos sobre a Biblioteca
Doutoramentos Honoris Causa
Edições da FLUP: 1919-1928
Edições do CITCEM
Edições do CLUP
Edições do DEPER
Edições do IF
Edições do IS
Guias do Estudante
Orações de Sapiência
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